Thank you for visiting HealthPLUS Alabama. We are here to answer any questions you have about patients’ claims. For a complete list of what is covered, please click here. If you should have any questions or need help processing or verifying policies and/or coverage, please call our office at 1-888-492-9161 between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday. You can also email us at Please be aware that any calls or messages received after business hours will be answered promptly the following business morning.

Submit a Claim

What’s Covered?

For eligible clients, HealthPLUS/DentalPLUSAlabama will pay for:

  • Insurance premiums for the approved health and/or dental insurance plan
  • In-network pharmacy copays for prescription drugs
  • In-network physician visit copays
  • In-network outpatient mental health copays
  • In-network dental visit copays and deductibles.

HealthPLUS/DentalPLUSAlabama does not guarantee payment of any item not listed. Clients and providers may request payment of additional items or request clarification of covered items by e-mailing or calling 1-888-492-9161.

To submit a claim, please email claim and 340B certification statement (for pharmacies only) to , fax to 205-406-8326 or mail to:
PO Box 320189-0189
Birmingham, AL 35232

All claims must include the insurance identification number and 340B certification statement.

For Full Health Policy Details, click here.

For Full Dental Policy Details, click here.

For any questions related to HealthPLUS Alabama or DentalPLUSAlabama, please contact